domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

10 of the largest insects in the world

Photo: Gunnar Ries Amphibol/Wiki Commons/CC License 
Big bugs
The largest insects that ever lived were dragonfly-like bugs of the order Protodonata, sometimes referred to as griffinflies. They had wingspans of nearly two and a half feet across and huge dentate mandibles, making them formidable predators.

Thankfully, they went extinct a long time ago at the end of the Paleozoic Era. Although insects can't grow quite that large in today's world, there are a few that are nevertheless large enough to give even seasoned entomologists a good fright.

Here's our list of 10 of the largest insects alive today. (Text: Bryan Nelson)

Titan beetle
Photo: via 
The Amazon rain forest is home to many large beetles, but none of them compares in length to the titan beetle, Titanus giganteus.

This gargantuan insect has mandibles that can easily snap a pencil in half, and reportedly they can rip into human flesh, too.

Believe it or not, this beetle is actually a draw for adventurous tourists, and many ecotourism agencies in South America advertise pictures of them in their pamphlets. Like many beetles, the titan beetle can emit a loud hissing sound when it is threatened.

Giant stick insects

Photo: mirrorimage-NL/iStockPhoto
The longest insects on the planet are stick insects, which have evolved a bizarre shape to hide themselves from predators among branches, twigs and foliage.

The giant walking stick from Southeast Asia is the longest variety, growing to as long as about 2 feet in length. Some species can produce a pungent-smelling defensive spray, but these bugs are mostly harmless and are often kept as pets.

Giant weta
Photo: Mike Locke/Flickr
Endemic to New Zealand, giant wetas are enormous bugs that are related to crickets. The largest giant wetas can weigh in excess of 70 grams (about 2.5 ounces), making them among the heaviest insects in the world. (They can weigh more than a sparrow.)

They are long too, with bodies measuring as long as about 4 inches not including the legs and antennae.

Because these giants are only found on islands, they are an excellent example of island gigantism.

Goliath beetle
Photo: Museum de Toulouse/Flickr

Based on weight and bulk, goliath beetles are strong contenders for the title of largest insects on Earth.

Native to Africa, males of these species can grow to over 4 inches, and can weigh as much as 100 grams (3.5 ounces) in their larval stage.

Though they are believed to be primarily vegetarian in the wild, they have shown a voracious appetite for protein in captivity, and captive beetles are often fed dog and cat food.

Atlas moth

Photo: internets_dairy/Flickr
Common across the Malay archipelago, these bird-sized insects are considered the largest moths in the world. They are so big that their cocoons are occasionally used as purses in Taiwan.

The total area of their wings can measure 60 square inches and their wingspans can measure at least 1 foot in length. Atlas caterpillars can be over an inch thick!

Tarantula hawk
Photo: Lokibaho/iStockphoto

These enormous wasps are so large and ferocious that they are capable of hunting and feeding on tarantulas.

Their legs have hooks on the ends which they use to latch onto their victims, and their stinger (which can be as long as a third of an inch) is rated as among the most painful in the world.

Luckily, they are mostly docile unless harassed, but this is one mean bug you wouldn't want to encounter!

Giant burrowing cockroach
Photo: Mark Pellegrini/Wiki Commons/CC License
Also called the rhinoceros cockroach, this insect is the heaviest cockroach in the world. It may take a generous dose of Raid to take one of these big bugs down!

Actually, this is one roach you may want to keep around; Unlike other cockroaches, the rhinoceros cockroach doesn't have wings, isn't considered to be a pest and even plays an important role in its ecosystem by breaking down dead leaves. Some people have found that they make good pets.

Found in Australia, these bugs can live for as long as 10 years and can grow to over 3 inches in length.

Queen Alexandra's birdwing

Photo: Mark Pellegrini/Wiki Commons/CC License
The largest butterfly in the world, Queen Alexandra's birdwing lives up to its name with a wingspan of over 1 foot.

Found only in remote regions of Papua New Guinea, the first specimen ever found was taken down using a shotgun. Though it was only discovered in the West in 1906, this gentle giant is already considered endangered by the IUCN, primarily because of encroaching development in its native habitats, mostly from palm oil plantations.

Giant water bug
Photo: avlxyz/Flickr
These enormous insects, also known as toe-biters and alligator ticks, can reach lengths rivaling some of the largest beetles in the world.

Known as voracious predators in the streams and ponds where they live, giant water bugs can deliver a painful bite (thus the nickname "toe-biters").

Nonetheless, in Thailand they are considered good eating, and are often attracted, harvested and collected using black lights which draws in the insects.

Acteon beetle

Photo: avlxyz/Flickr
Megasoma acteon, another of the giant beetle species in the Amazon rain forest of South America, can reach lengths of more than 5 inches long and can grow as thick as 1.6 inches.

It has a formidable armor like most beetles. (Let's just say it's not something you could squash with your shoe.) In fact, due primarily to its massive size, adult acteon beetles have almost no natural predators.

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