
Ciencia en Canoa is a blog where you can find the latest news and trends in science, tech and environment.

In science and tech it shares new disruptive findings, prototypes, documentaries and theoretical knowledge.
In environment it shares high impact environmental events. They range from natural or human caused disasters, climate change, pollution, extinctions, new species discoveries, conservation and cool natural findings.   



Its aim is to promote development with the Internet as the instrument to achieve a direct contribution to improve environmental and socioeconomic indicators for social awareness. 

This blog does so with the focus on life especially in the conditions of a climate change and how businesses can play a rentable role in sustainability. 

It covers all influential topics including education, health, environmental conditions and access to financing. It takes into account the crucial political and international campaigns.

Climate change is the cornerstone of research in this blog since redundant current affairs is a change and it is one in which the actors are prevention science and to make it a collaborative act should be disseminated to all society . 


Most relevant activities

+Bloggin : Permanent publication of articles by research on the most important sources of scientific knowledge production . 

+Interviews with international companies about their sustainability policies . 

+Writing original articles for dissemination to the community about particular events of climate change.


Outreach efforts

+ Has radial, television and Internet appearances. ICTs have been a big part of the investigative work of the project. 

+ Every day will rise and publish new articles. 

+ Link the various social networks to its mass for web virality.



Born in 2006 due to the need to transmit knowledge to the various sectors of the community. The blog platform was chosen as the internet access has become a priority and this makes it a mass broadcast medium. There was a large deficit of compilation of official information on climate change events so the blog began covering all aspects from official sources with valid and evaluated information. 

This initiative was structured in a research project in the field of ICT and has allowed since 2010 founding and strengthening to the region of Latin America and the Caribbean ( LAC ) to found in the internet a source for mass information focused on social and economic development of the regions. 

This is based on the awareness that we live in a world together with all forms of life in nature. Ciencia en Canoa promotes critical thinking, discernment and understanding differences. This allows freedom of expression and association. 

The privacy, security, consumer rights, new forms of intellectual property in the digital environment and a wide variety of Internet-related issues and human rights, are brought it up to post news articles that provide real and clear explanation about their contextualization. 

Specifically , the issue of privacy is presented studies about social networks and their impact on long- term security presents a wide range of factors, among which is widely highlighted food security, consumer rights we talk about products that under scientific criteria may affect public health in new ways of discussing intellectual property laws and their implications from every angle.

Ciencia en Canoa contributes directly to the improvement of environmental and socioeconomic indicators to provide updated and detailed information on these events, presenting research and projects that can be adopted by public and private entities for this purpose. It covers aspects such as education, through the publication of lectures, access to funding to publish requirements, positions and forms to access different call and environmental conditions. We bear in our main page a software that shows the total greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere. 

Ciencia en Canoa is proactive to ensure that there is a web site where people can learn first-hand the events that will influence their lives in the future and those who already do this. Ciencia en Canoa motivates positive change in society and create a society respectful of life and its pluralities .



2010 - 2011 Ciencia en Canoa inspired by Ciencia en Bicicleta.

La bicicleta va por los pueblos, por las calles, repartiendo el conocimiento, llega a una región a la que no puede acceder porque hay agua en el medio, entonces se baja de la bicicleta y sigue viajando en la canoa por el agua repartiendo conocimiento en las comunidades más abandonadas.

Se usa el Pirarucú (Arapaima gigas) -un animal endémico de Colombia que habita en la selva del Amazonas y es cazado indiscriminadamente- como el símbolo de la canoa. El reconocimiento de la naturaleza como medio de transporte. 

2012 Ciencia en Canoa inspirado en la expresión indígena.

Las bicicletas son metálicas, simbolizan la perpetuación de la industrialización en nuestros tiempos. El crecimiento poblacional y la desbordante demanda de productos es la mayor preocupación de éste siglo que se enfrenta al aparente irreversible cambio climático y de allí donde surge la búsqueda por la preservación. Surgen palabras como biodegradable, autosostenible y ecoamigable como pilares para el desarrollo.    

En una relación endosimbiotica sin nuestra especie estar dentro de otra o viceversa se crea esa conexión, ese aprendizaje del otro como fuente de ideas aquella similitud que nos permite construir con la esencia de nuestros cuerpos, que para aquellos que son vida están hechos de los mismos materiales. 

