viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

We need your help today to ensure that this fight continues

ORIGINAL: Amazon Watch

This summer I was on the ground with the Amazon Watch team standing with communities on the front lines of the fight to stop the Belo Monte Dam. I dug my toes into the red clay banks of the early stages of construction and watched as 300 indigenous and local people ripped through the earthen barricade in desperate attempt to free the mighty Xingu River, if only for a moment. We need your help today to ensure that this fight continues.>

The last few weeks have been marked by glorious moments of victory and new challenges. Our efforts were validated when a Brazilian judge ordered the immediate halt to construction and suspended all activities at the dam site. Hope!

This was a true win, led by indigenous and local communities and won by the collective efforts of citizens from around the world standing with them...and by you.

As we suspected might happen, President Dilma pressured a member of the Brazilian Supreme Court resulting in Chief Justice Carlos Ayres Britto overturning the decision without giving essential consideration to indigenous rights implications. Back on the roller coaster.

The Federal Public Prosecutor's office is expected to appeal this decision and demand a review by the full Supreme Court. They must uphold the historic decision that suspended this highly controversial project just two weeks ago. Help us make this possible.>

Now is THE moment to dig our toes deep into that red clay and stand steadfast, collectively, in resistance to the Belo Monte Dam. Already over a million of you from around the globe have rallied behind this effort. With your support the people of the Xingu can win.>

For the Amazon,

Atossa Soltani
Executive Director

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