martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

Support Canadian Senator Mac Harb's Bill to End the Commercial Seal Slaughter

ORIGINAL: HumaneSociety

Closure of the international demand for seal products means that the end of the Canadian commercial seal slaughter is inevitable.

But we need to act now to save the tens of thousands of baby seals that are still killed every year with Canadian taxpayer-funded government subsidies.

We need you to voice your support for Canadian Senator Mac Harb's legislation to end the slaughter. Tell the Canadian Senate you support this forward-looking, compassionate and pragmatic initiative.

Termine la demanda internacional de productos hechos con piel de foca. Apoye la ley presentada por el senador Marc Herb de Canadá con el fin de terminar con la matanza comercial de focas recién nacidas AQUÍ

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