ORIGINAL: Kickstarter
by Antony Evans

Create GLOWING PLANTS using synthetic biology and Genome Compiler's software - the first step in creating sustainable natural lighting

As seen on:


What we are offering:
All backers from the USA who back the project with $40 or more will receive seeds to grow a glowing plant at home. Once we have the plant, it is just a matter of breeding enough offspring to grow seeds for all backers. You can expect around 50-100 small seeds in the packet.
***Update - If you back the project at the $150 and we meet our stretch goal then we will ship you a glowing rose as well when it's completed. Delivery will be 6-12 months after the delivery of the glowing plant***
For those outside the USA we are waiving additional international shipping charges to compensate for not being able to send you the seeds. If you get the book and write to us after the project we will also send you a vial of the DNA that way if it's legal in your country (your responsibility to check) and you can source the other ingredients (eg Agrobacterium) you can follow the instructions in the book and make your own plant.
***Update - We've added a new vase, here's a picture, available for a pledge of $80 shipping with glowing plant seeds:
* See Risks and Challenges section regarding release of seeds.

The team making this happen

Help Spread the Word about the Glowing Plant project:
·Follow us on twitter (http://twitter.com/glowingplant)
Please back the project and tell everyone know to help spread the word!
Thank You for Your Support - We Hope You'll Join Us in Making this Project Successful!
Additional information:
What is Synthetic Biology?
All living organisms contain an instruction set that determines what they look like and what they do. These instructions are encoded in the organisms’s DNA — long and complex strings of molecules embedded in every living cell. This is an organism’s genetic code (or “genome”).
Humans have been altering the genetic code of plants and animals for millennia, by selectively breeding individuals with desirable features. As biotechnologists have learned more about how to read and manipulate this code, they have begun to take genetic information associated with useful features from one organism, and add it into another one. This is the basis of genetic engineering, and has allowed researchers to speed up the process of developing new breeds of plants and animals.
More recently we have learnt how to make new sequences of DNA from scratch. By combining these techniques with the principles of modern engineering, scientists can now use computers and laboratory chemicals to design organisms that do new things.
This is the essence of synthetic biology and it’s potential is tremendous – we can use it to produce cheaper, more efficient biofuels, to excrete the precursors of medical drugs or create new plants which naturally glow.
Why do we need your help?
We’ve already invested our own time and money into the project developing the DNA designs, finding partners to help execute and investigating the legal ramifications but don’t have the financial resources to print the DNA and complete the transformations ourselves.
By backing this project you can help create the world’s first naturally glowing plant, inspire others to become interested in synthetic biology and receive some awesome rewards in the process.
What will you use the funds for?
We are using Synthetic Biology techniques and Genome Compiler’s software to insert bioluminescence genes into Arabidopsis, a small flowering plant and member of the mustard family, to make a plant that visibly glows in the dark (it is inedible).
Funds raised will be used to print the DNA sequences we have designed using Genome Compiler and to transform the plants by inserting these sequences into the plant and then growing the resultant plant in the lab.
Printing DNA costs a minimum of 25 cents per base pair and our sequences are about 10,000 base pairs long. We plan to print a number of sequences so that we can test the results of trying different promoters – this will allow us to optimize the result. We will be printing our DNA with Cambrian Genomics who have developed a revolutionary laser printing system that massively reduces the cost of DNA synthesis.
Transforming the plant will initially be done using the Agrobacterium method. Our printed DNA will be inserted into a special type of bacteria which can insert its DNA into the plant. Flowers of the plant are then dipped into a solution containing the transformed bacteria. The bacteria injects our DNA into the cell nucleus of the flowers which pass it onto their seeds which we can grow until they glow! You can see this process in action in our video.
Once we have proven the designs work we will then insert the same gene sequence into the plant using a gene gun. This is more complicated, as there's a risk the gene sequence gets scrambled, but the result will be unregulated by the USDA and thus suitable for release.
Funds raised will also be used to support our work to develop an open policy framework for DIY Bio work involving recombinant DNA. This framework will provide guidelines to help others who are inspired by this project navigate the regulatory and social challenges inherent in community based synthetic biology. The framework will include recommendations for what kinds of projects are safe for DIY Bio enthusiasts and recommendations for the processes which should be put in place (such as getting experts to review the plans).
Why now?
Recent advances in the field of synthetic biology, such as Genome Compiler’s software and Cambrian Genomics DNA printing hardware, have brought the cost and complexity of genetically engineering new organisms within reach of amateurs:

As the chart shows, the costs continue to fall, and within a few years thousands of DIY Bio enthusiasts will be using Citizen Science to inspire their own creations. We want to create a signature project which inspires them and demonstrates to the world what’s already possible with a little creativity and imagination.
Is this legal?
Yes it is! There are three federal agencies which regulate Genetically Modified organisms in the US, each with a different remit for public safety:
USDA regulates plant and agriculture impact through APHIS and are the most relevant for our project. We've been in touch with them to understand and address their main concerns which are mainly related to the introduction of potential plant pests. After more than 15 years working with genetically engineered crops they have established a set of guidelines for what needs additional testing, and what doesn't. So long as we meet all their requirements we can safely release the plant. One of their inputs was that we should use the gene-gun technique to transform our plants, instead of Agrobacterium.
EPA regulates new uses of pesticides - many GMO's introduce pesticide or herbicide resistance to their plants (either as a selection agent or as an intended outcome). We have elected not to do this, as we can use the glowing effect as a marker, so will not need to go through their testing procedures.
FDA regulates food and feedstock implications and requires extensive testing to make sure the product is safe if this is the case. Because our plant is strictly ornamental and not for consumption by animals or humans we do not have to go through this testing.
We will continue to liaise with the federal agencies, especially APHIS, as the project develops to ensure we are compliant with the frameworks they have put in place to protect the public.
Regrettably the European Union has tighter restrictions in place so we can’t send seeds there as a reward.
Is this safe?
The head of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, George Church, who works extensively on engineering biosafety described our project as 'as safe as it gets'. We are introducing non-pathogenic, non-toxic, well categorized genes to a model plant which is well understood by biologists and which will not survive very well in the environment.
In the lab we will comply with all NIH guidelines on recombinant DNA research. Our work is graded at Biosafety Level 1, which is the lowest level of risk to the external environment.
What is Genome Compiler?
Genome Compiler is software, designed by Omri and his team, which allows a user to easily design genetic sequences and order them online. The software includes a large database of genetic parts and a beautiful interface so you can easily combine them to create your desired results.
What is Cambrian Genomics?
At Cambrian Genomics Austen and his team make the first commercial hardware/systems for laser printing DNA. Presently, researchers in academia and industry order or clone >$1b/year of DNA. Cambrian plans to deliver high quality sequence verified DNA to buyers in this existing/growing worldwide market.
What is Project Cyborg?
Currently being developed by the Bio/Nano/Programmable Group at Autodesk Research, Project Cyborg is a cloud-based meta-platform of design tools for programming matter across domains and scales. Project Cyborg provides elastic cloud-based computation in a web-based CAD shell for services such as modeling, simulation and multi-objective design optimization. Project Cyborg allows individuals or groups to create specialized design platforms specific for their domains, whatever their domains happen to be, from nanoparticle design to tissue engineering, to human-scale self-assembling manufacturing.
Who made your video?
The video was made by Rick Symonds, who is based on San Francisco. You can see more of his work and contact him at www.ricksymonds.com.
Video Music: "The March" by LIGHTS & MOTION Courtesy of Deep Elm Recordswww.deepelm.com/lightsandmotion
Where can I get more information?
Want to know more? Just give us a call +1-415-779-6333 or email antony at glowing plant dot com.
Risks and challengesLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
We are confident that we can deliver on the rewards we are offering backers. There are two main risks to the project:
1) Transformation
We have put every care into the designs of the DNA but we may not get the glowing result we (and you) hope for. Biology is complicated and while we are confident of getting some glowing effect (it's been done before in a research lab) we may not get a strong effect as we (or you) want or it may be unreliable. We hope to have a plant which you can visibly see in the dark (like glow in the dark paint) but don't expect to replace your light bulbs with version 1.0. The more money we raise, the more we can refine our designs and the stronger the effect we will get so please tell all your friends about the project.
2) Emerging regulation
We have received written indication from USDA/APHIS that our plant will not require a permit. However this is a new field and it is possible that more restrictive regulations are implemented during the project that will require us to get a permit which would delay the release of the seeds or possibly block the release altogether.
$406,245pledged of $65,000 goal
8days to go
This project will be funded on Friday Jun 7, 1:00am EDT.
Funding period
Apr 23, 2013 - Jun 7, 2013
Project by
First created · 4 backed
Antony Evans 1054 friends
Website: glowingplant.com
Pledge $40 or more
1000 backers All gone!
GLOWING PLANT SEEDS. Grow your own glowing plant at home, includes full instructions for how to tend and care for it
Estimated delivery: May 2014
Ships within the US only
Pledge $65 or more
200 backers All gone!
Recycled light bulb vase that you can show off to your friends BONUS: Glowing plant seeds
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Pledge $120 or more
100 backers All gone!
EARLY BIRD. Be the first to get an actual glowing plant.
Estimated delivery: May 2014
Ships within the US only
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